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All Games -> Halo Infinite
SteamGame Info

Halo Infinite

Campaign: When all hope is lost and humanity’s fate hangs in the balance, the Master Chief is ready to confront the most ruthless foe he’s ever faced. Step inside the armor of humanity’s greatest hero to experience an epic open-world adventure and explore the massive scale of the Halo ring. With Network Campaign Co-Op and Mission Replay, you can relive your favorite moments, rediscover collectibles and explore the wonders of Zeta Halo on your own or with up to three other fireteam members. To experience the campaign, purchase Halo Infinite (Campaign). Free-to-Play Multiplayer: Experience Halo’s celebrated multiplayer reimagined and free-to-play! With over 70 maps in matchmaking, billions of customization configurations, and countless community Forge creations to experience, Halo Infinite is the franchise’s most expansive multiplayer offering to date. Enjoy an unprecedented variety of gameplay experiences, ranging from fast-paced intense ranked modes to whimsical mayhem in Custom Games, or even co-operative coordination in the wave-based survival mode Firefight: King of the Hill. Assemble your Fireteam and conquer every mode – Halo offers endless opportunities for teamwork, strategy, and unforgettable victories. Forge Beta: Halo’s legendary content creation tool is more powerful than ever with advanced features like a sophisticated visual scripting engine, mode editor, object scaling, lighting and audio tools as well as marked improvements in fidelity and object budget limits. Forge also includes the powerful AI Toolkit, allowing players to add campaign AI to their creations. Whether it’s remaking iconic experiences from previous Halo entries or creating something entirely unique, the possibilities for thrilling custom maps and game modes are infinite. "
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Expansions: Expansion, DLC Merged Platform Ranking:
Platforms STM Win
Player Ranking:
Current Game Meta Value: 263 492 207 014
Number of Owners: 6 767 2 333
Number of Players: 3 955 2 158
Completists: 110 34
Completists %: 1.63% 1.46%
Number of Achievements: 144 144
Average Achievement Value: 1 829.81 1 437.6

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Windows/Xbox One/Xbox X|S
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Achievements (144)

Available achievements
You, Me, Same Page
In co-op, destroy all cooling towers at the Dig Site within 60 seconds of each other. 2748
Controlled Demolition
In co-op, destroy four Fuel Silos within five seconds at either Ransom Keep or the Forge of Teash. 2746
Wolves at the Doors
In co-op, lower all three gates within 15 seconds of each other at Riven Gate. 2742
Cow Catcher
In co-op, splatter 50 enemies while riding in a vehicle with another player. 2742
Gruesome Twosome
In co-op, kill 50 enemies while riding a Mongoose with another player. 2736
Rolling Thunder
Kill 5 enemies with a Gravity Hammer from a vehicle. All players aboard vehicle share progress. 2734
Mix Things Up
Get at least one kill with every available weapon and grenade on the Banished ship. 2731
Air Raid
In co-op, kill 100 enemies while all players are riding air vehicles. 2725
It Really Does Beat Everything
Eliminate all enemies at the South Beacon with a Scorpion Tank. 2720
Keep It Steady
Kill 5 enemies with a Sniper Rifle from a vehicle. All players aboard vehicle share progress. 2719
Spire Stalker
Kill 40 enemies with the Stalker Rifle at the Command Spire. 2712
Hunting Party
In co-op, eliminate all Banished High-Value Targets on any difficulty. 2710
First Responders
In co-op, answer all UNSC distress calls on any difficulty. 2710
Out with a Bang
Kill the Tower commander with a Plasma grenade. 2709
Conservation of Momentum
Complete the Conservatory in less than 15 minutes. 2709
Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly
Destroy both Phantoms before they leave Outpost Tremonius. 2702
In co-op, kill a Hunter and its bond brother within three seconds of each other. 2702
Wardens of Zeta
In co-op, complete all seven Banished outposts on any difficulty. 2700
Vintage Fisticuffs
In the Nexus, kill the Hunter pair with melee final blows. 2700
Workplace Safety Violation
Kill an enemy with the Banished mining laser. 2698
What's Rightfully Ours
In co-op, capture all Forward Operating Bases on any difficulty. 2697
Turnabout is Fair Play
Kill one Chieftain and use his turret to kill another in the Repository. 2692
More Than He Bargained For
Defeat War Chief Escharum without ever fully losing your shields. 2685
Stick Around
Defeat Tremonius with the Skewer. 2672
Breach the Auditorium in under three minutes. 2643

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