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All Games -> Goat Simulator 3
Xbox X|SGame Info

Goat Simulator 3

Pilgor’s baaack! Gather your herd and venture forth into Goat Simulator 3; an all-new, totally realistic, sandbox farmyard experience that puts you back in the hooves of no one's favourite female protagonist. That’s right – we’re doing this again. The baa has been raised, and Pilgor is joined by other goats too. You can invite up to three friends in local or online co-op, create carnage as a team, or compete in mini-games and then not be friends anymore. Get ready for another round of udder mayhem. Lick, headbutt, and ruin your way through a brand new open world in the biggest waste of your time since Goat Simulator! We won’t tell you how to play (except in the tutorial), but merely provide the means to be the goats of your dreams. KEY FEATURES: - You can be a goat - Three of your friends can be goats too, and join you in local or online co-op - No really, there are so many goats. If you want to be fancy you can wear the skins of tall goats, stripey goats, and many more. There’s a goat for everyone! - Or dress up your goat in all kinds of nonsense, from toilet rolls to tea trays. Put on a jetpack for all we care - This time we actually hired ‘game designers’ and we’re told they’ve added ‘an ok amount of content’; events, NPCs to mess with, physics, status effects, collectables, easter eggs, lies, betrayal, heartbreak - They’ve added mini-games too, lots of mini-games (seven is a lot, right?) - Who said anything about a musical? - You can be Keanu Ree... (jk, wanted to check you were still reading) - But you can be a goldfish (true story) DISCLAIMER: Goat Simulator 3 is another completely stupid game. Will this game teach you how to become one with your local herd? Probably not. Learning about real goats with David Attenborough or something would absolutely be the smarter thing to do..
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Merged Platform Ranking:
Platforms XSX PS5 STM PS4 XB1
Player Ranking:
Current Game Meta Value: 86 697 23 972 61 335 9 804 20 032
Number of Owners: 458 110 287 3 25
Number of Players: 378 106 164 3 19
Completists: 9 7 13 1 1
Completists %: 1.97% 6.36% 4.53% 33.33% 4%
Number of Achievements: 54 54 54 54 54
Average Achievement Value: 1 605.5 443.93 1 135.83 181.56 370.96

Xbox X|S
Xbox One/Xbox X|S
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Achievements (54)

Available achievements
Wow, Such Instincts
Complete all Instincts 2629
Ultrasonic Speedy
Lick Speedy while looking like Speedy 2610
So Aerodynamic
Get flattened while driving the Trojan Goat 2592
I Love History
Sit through the whole history documentary 2592
You Gotta Licket to Ride
Lick the flying train 2574
Try Hard With a Vengeance
Find all Multiverse Trinkets 2574
Lousy References
Find all Broken Relics 2574
Dr. Pheelsgood
Help all the patients as Dr. Pilgor 2556
It's All a Simulation
What a cop-out 2537
Find the Kidney Stone 2537
Appliance in Disguise
Find the Space Stone 2537
You Mined Too Greedily and Too Deep
Find the Deep Stone 2519
Goat Got Brains
Find the Knowledge Stone 2519
Hell of a Ride
Take a ride on Charons boat 2501
This Took Half My Life
Experience the entire Black Meze tour 2483
Unlock all the achievements 2171
Try Hard 2
Find all Trinkets 2138
You Trusted Your Instincts
Complete all Instincts 2121
Jump off all Ramps 1943
Certified Fresh
Find all movie tapes 1895
Move! That! Bus!
Redecorate the entire Goat Castle 1880
Give Big Foot some shoes 1667
Equip the [REDACTED] while playing as [REDACTED] with the [REDACTED] fur 1580
Run naked on the football field 1566
Club Mohair
Enter the super secret container rave 1538

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