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All Games -> Run and Hide
SteamGame Info

Run and Hide

Puzzle action game in which you have to hide in objects. The player runs through the level and chooses which object to hide in, presses the Q key and disappears into the object, the hunter stops pursuing him, then the countdown starts, after 5 seconds the object will disappear and the player will reappear. And again you need to find an object in which to hide. The player's task is to survive as long as possible. The player needs to hide in objects from the hunter. Each item has a lifetime, when the object dies the player is thrown out of it. The player’s task is to stay alive for as long as possible by hiding in objects and score as many points as possible in order to become first on the leaderboard and get achievements. You can control your character using the WASD key and the mouse. Leaderboard. Achievements.
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Platforms STM
Player Ranking:
Current Game Meta Value: 666
Number of Owners: 66
Number of Players: 35
Completists: 36
Completists %: 54.55%
Number of Achievements: 6
Average Achievement Value: 111

Social Interaction:

Comments (0)

Achievements (6)

Available achievements
Level 6
You are the best 111
Level 5
A little bit more 111
Level 4
The end is near 111
Level 3
You are in the middle 111
Level 2
Keep going 111
Level 1
Good start 111

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