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All Games -> Whisperstring
SteamGame Info


Whisperstring was a chat program developed by &&&$$$SSS66 (pronounced “And-Es-Six”) and released in the late 1980s. While it never gained the popularity of its IRC-based counterparts, it did have a small community of enthusiasts. Instead of focusing on chat rooms, it connected two random strangers who could chat one-on-one. While the mentioned enthusiasts are by now mostly non-existent, our team has decided to preserve the software and make it compatible with modern computers. Feel free to give it a try, and maybe you’ll soon join us as part of the (hopefully) growing team of Whisperstring enthusiasts! To quote the wise words of &&&$$$SSS66: “Don't forget that you'll be talking to a real person. Don't be a dick. [...] Have fun!” Relive the old days of text adventure games thanks to the following features: Command line processing: Interact with the game world by typing text commands. Puzzles: Explore Adam's "prison", use items, and decipher clues to progress through the story. Player agency: Different text prompts allow you to infuse the main character with your own personality.
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Platforms STM
Player Ranking:
Current Game Meta Value: 846
Number of Owners: 63
Number of Players: 10
Completists: 10
Completists %: 15.87%
Number of Achievements: 6
Average Achievement Value: 141

Comments (0)

Achievements (6)

Available achievements
Welcome back, Master of Whisperstring
Call yourself like the developer. 141
Find the hidden developer tools 141
Dark numbers everywhere
Enter a dark digit as a command. 141
Critical Hit!
Roll a 20! 141
Call yourself like a well-known comrade. 141

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