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All Games -> Size Matters
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Size Matters

Size Matters is heavily inspired by "Inch by Inch" - special thanks to devs! In Size Matters you take on the role of a scientist who has unintentionally ingested a chemical which causes him to shrink every second! As you shrink, getting around the laboratory gets trickier, with the game essentially turning into a platformer as you figure out ways to climb up onto where the equipment and ingredients are located! Using the equipment, you need to manage to make an antidote in a limited time, before you shrink completely! Go through the formulas you find and follow them accurately! Operate equipment such as: Chemical Processor, The Reverter, Code Combiner, Antidote Producer and more! But beware, your time is very precious - you need to process ingredients using lab equipment all while searching for missing components or rearranging the lab so you're able to reach stuff when you're smaller! Search the laboratory for ingredients and formulas which aid you to produce the three key components of the antidote! Every formula is tied to one of the machines in the lab. You can produce new ingredients, which may be used in other formulas or are one of the three key ingredients you need for the antidote Once you collect three key ingredients, place them inside the antidote producer to produce an antidote! When you shrink too small the game is over! Tweak all kinds of settings, such as the height at which you start, how many double jumps you can do, or how long it takes for the Chemical Processor to complete its process!
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Expansion: Patch
Platforms STM
Player Ranking:
Current Game Meta Value: 63 374
Number of Owners: 2 655
Number of Players: 309
Completists: 76
Completists %: 2.86%
Number of Achievements: 58
Average Achievement Value: 1 092.66

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Achievements (58)

Available achievements
Professional Drawer Opener
Open drawers and cabinets more than 10000 times! 1722
True Expert
Win at least one round on all available laboratories! 1310
True Winner
Win 10 or more rounds! 1305
Professional Drawer Opener
Open drawers and cabinets more than 1000 times! 1295
Chemical Reverter Expert!
Use Chemical Reverter for more than 10 minutes! 1295
Restorer Expert!
Use Restorer for more than 10 minutes! 1290
Pickups Pro!
Find ALL pickups in ALL laboratories! 1290
Pickups Laboratory 3!
Find all pickups in Laboratory 3! 1290
Pickups Laboratory 2!
Find all pickups in Laboratory 2! 1290
The Lab Equipment Needs An Upgrade!
Finish the level with all "Processing Time" sliders to the max! 1285
Pickups Laboratory 6!
Find all pickups in Laboratory 6! 1285
Tiny Chemist!
Complete a round on "Tiny" mode 1279
Pickups Laboratory 5!
Find all pickups in Laboratory 5! 1279
Alien Encounters
Find an alien creature! 1279
Not Good For Your Health
Get hit by ~microwaves~! 1274
Get inside the green plastic bin! 1269
Not giving up on mistakes!
Win the round when you have reverted 5 or more ingredients! 1269
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Check out the HUMAN SKELETON! 1259
Enlarge 3 or more objects in a single round! 1259
Cracked Television!
Destroy the TV in Laboratory 3! 1259
Breaker of Plates and Mugs!
Break all plates and mugs in the Kitchen! 1254
Pickups Laboratory 4!
Find all pickups in Laboratory 4! 1249
Spring Cleaning!
Empty out the fridge! 1239
Pickups Laboratory 1!
Find all pickups in Laboratory 1! 1239
Find Love!
Find love in the kitchen! 1234

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