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Top-lists -> Users - Lifetime
Top List: Users - Lifetime

Rank Player Score
1 [STRAN] The Stranger 113 430 610
2 Gajusz 105 904 932
3 [AS] lylat 96 009 897
4 [pAG] Skaery 91 089 884
5 [pAG] AFAK 85 759 076
6 [AS] DDtective 77 956 832
7 [Pals] AbseilDagron 72 152 750
8 [pAG] Azatoth 68 441 129
9 Sterbehilfe e.V. 66 983 805
10 Dreki 62 585 030
11 YeOldCarp 58 195 034
12 [AS] Parzival 57 540 931
13 Bean Farm Gaming 56 542 189
14 [AS] NEXGENEEZY 56 509 452
15 marklar 56 049 071
16 [BoR] Ni 55 659 722
17 [HispA] coatl.master.chief 54 236 894
18 Stallion83 53 314 772
19 UnawareBoss 50 323 096
20 [LLJK] Griefor 49 966 739
21 Silentium 49 606 685
22 Rhy 49 545 231
23 [Pals] Hikikomori 49 408 857
24 [PXS] Godbrithil 48 055 268
25 dav1d_123 47 745 543
26 anonymous 47 409 455
27 alphabet 46 514 126
28 [pAG] Cos 45 505 166
29 [Pals] mattBLiTZ 45 314 456
30 Bilko 44 693 525
31 [pAG] Viper 44 228 109
32 Michiliotuur 44 197 289
33 [AS] Deiru 42 884 113
34 ProfVaharrak 42 776 801
35 Weebs40 42 688 464
36 The Dauntless 42 422 853
37 anonymous 42 338 725
38 Hakoom 42 325 565
39 [Pals] private_pile 42 250 631
40 Stexred 41 590 127
41 [pAG] TiGrOu42 41 523 867
42 LonerD 41 445 323
43 Andr3wWw 40 993 769
44 [SGAH] Crossbourne 40 895 003
45 DaLe 40 149 729
46 Takumashii 39 883 110
47 [AS] Vnednek 39 825 378
48 [Pals] Zoutje 39 504 022
49 THG-303 39 289 888
50 Har_g 38 967 335

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